Welcome to the creative home of artist and maker Charlotte Lyons.

our next spring retreat in vermont

our next spring retreat in vermont



Even though it's snowing like crazy, the time has come to tell you about our next spring event in southern Vermont! Our 12th event!

We are excited to have Jenn McGlon come back with her big bag of fun art tricks. Throughout the weekend, we will be celebrating critters and pets - both clay and felt. 

Here's the plan:

*The event begins Thursday at noon with a welcome lunch and an afternoon workshop. Meleen's home-cooked dinner is served in the main house and evening crafting follows with open access to the "craft room" all evening.



*Friday, we will enjoy a leisurely breakfast in Meleen's kitchen and great room and then begin work on the featured projects. Lunch is served on the porches and in the great room as we continue to create and enjoy each other's company. There is time for independent adventuring or relaxing without an agenda. Dinner is served family style in the great room.



*Saturday is the morning for tag saling! Entirely optional, it is a fun way to explore the charming New England villages and highlights that the area is known for. Covered bridges, farmer's markets and photo opportunities are everywhere. There will be time after lunch to keep creating and working on our creative projects. Wrapping up, we will share dinner and a farewell evening celebrating new friendships and artistry.



*Sunday, we all gather for one last yummy breakfast and say our goodbyes at 11.



Write to us at fallvermontgetaway (at) gmail.com for more information and questions.



february loves

february loves

paints, patterns, pumpkins, posies, pins

paints, patterns, pumpkins, posies, pins